Authorized Projects

Data Trust Goals

The overarching goal of the Data Trust is to improve the delivery of services, coordination among agencies, and outcomes for families and children in the early childhood care and education system. This Data Trust seeks to:

  1. Improve the quality of data within and across early care and education organizations to ensure access to high-quality services for children, birth to age five.
  2. Maximize existing data resources and/or leverage new technical infrastructure to conduct analysis and research that informs decision making of both program administrators and policymakers.
  3. Provide an annual state-level analysis of children and families receiving services across the state to identify needs and gaps in the delivery of early childhood services resulting in an unduplicated count of children and families served.
Girl with pig tails smiling

Current Authorized Projects

Kansas Early Childhood Data Trust Authorized Project

ECBG and the Prevention of Foster Care Removals

Longitudinal Analysis

Kansas Early Childhood Data Trust Authorized Project

Distinct Count of Children Served Across Early Childhood Programs

Resource Tool