$21 million from the Administration for Children and Families has been awarded to create further investments in targeted initiatives that support the state’s early childhood ecosystem. The funding provides $7 million per year for 3 years, awarded to the Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund through the competitive Preschool Development Grant Birth Through Five (PDG B-5) program.
The PDG B-5 renewal grant allows both community and state-level early childhood leaders to strengthen comprehensive services and programming in the early childhood landscape. The 2024 funding will be dedicated to addressing specific statewide needs of families with children who need early intervention or special education services, families in rural communities with limited access to specialized care providers, and perinatal families with behavioral and mental health needs. Grant activities will also further enhance resources for early childhood professionals and strengthen public-private partnerships for improved efficiency and sustainability.
The recently completed 2024 All In For Kansas Kids Needs Assessment and Strategic Plan helped shape the Kansas grant submission. The voices of parents, ECE professionals, community-based organizations, business leaders, and community champions provided input and stories for where and how to direct additional resources across the Kansas Early Childhood Ecosystem.