Learn about an upcoming opportunity for communities interested in strengthening their local child care infrastructure. The Child Care Zones initiative will include grant opportunities funded by the Kansas federal Preschool Development Grant.
Children’s Cabinet Spotlight
Kansas awarded $21 million federal grant to continue strengthening systems
$21 million from the Administration for Children and Families has been awarded to create further investments in targeted initiatives that support the state’s early childhood ecosystem. The funding provides $7 million per year for 3 years, awarded to the Kansas...
2024 All In For Kansas Kids Strategic Plan
The Kansas Children’s Cabinet approved the 2024 All In For Kansas Kids Strategic Plan. Building on the progress of recent years and in response to the 2024 All In For Kansas Kids Needs Assessment, this plan charts the path forward for all of us in the Kansas early childhood ecosystem.
The Imagination Library of Kansas Now Reaches More Than 75,000 Children
August marks the first anniversary of Imagination Library of Kansas Day, proclaimed by Governor Kelly on August 14, 2023.
Available funding for investments in community multi-purpose facilities
The Capital Projects Fund Accelerator will award $38 million in grants to expand on the state’s efforts to create new licensed child care slots while adding space to enable work, health monitoring, and education supports.
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Kansas Statewide Expansion Celebration
Watch the full celebration of the statewide expansion of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Kansas.
Nearly $43.6 Million Child Care Capacity Accelerator grants funded
Accelerator grant funding awarded to 52 Kansas community organizations and partnerships and are expected to create over 4,200 new childcare seats across Kansas.
Accelerator Community Grant Information
The Kansas Child Care Capacity Accelerator will support community-based teams—including early childhood providers and champions, employers, and economic development leaders—in their efforts to create affordable and accessible child care seats in their communities.